Useful Information

5 Reasons Green Card Holders Don’t Become Citizens.Here’s why they should.

There are many benefits to becoming a US Citizen. You probably knew the benefits of citizenship, even before reading the article. So why do the 9 million eligible Permanent Residents (Green Card holders) not become Citizens? There seem to be five major reasons why people don’t become Citizens: #1) Cost Becoming a citizen today will cost you […]

5 Reasons Green Card Holders Don’t Become Citizens.Here’s why they should. Read More »

How Much Does It Cost to Be a U.S. Citizen? (And Is it Worth it?)

One of the stumbling blocks many immigrants face when applying to become a United States citizen is understanding citizenship fees. The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) requires immigrants and sponsors to pay these fees to process applications. But how much is the citizenship application fee, and what other fees should you expect?  How

How Much Does It Cost to Be a U.S. Citizen? (And Is it Worth it?) Read More »

Can I Apply for Citizenship With an Expired Green Card?

All permanent residents of the United States are recipients of a green card. These immigrants have the option of continuing to renew their card or become a citizen when eligible. The document typically expires every ten years. You cannot apply for citizenship with an expired green card. When wishing to change your status from a legal permanent

Can I Apply for Citizenship With an Expired Green Card? Read More »

Citizenship Day

Whether gained through birthright or by using Form N-400, Application for Naturalization, U.S. citizenship is distinctive. It bestows special protections, rights, and duties to Americans in exchange for their allegiance to and support of the United States. Most citizens enjoy benefits like freedom of expression, the right to vote, and due process. Not every country across

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