Can Eligible Individuals Also Request Deferred Action for Their Parents and Siblings?

You have already determined that you’re eligible for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. And you may have previously filed paperwork requesting deferred action to protect yourself from deportation – but what about the rest of your family?

If your parents and siblings also meet the deferred action criteria, they can each submit a separate DACA application to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). You can assist family members in preparing these documents, but you can’t directly file the paperwork to request deferred action on their behalf. 

Group of adults and children holding United States flags, facing away and silhouetted by the sun.
Multiple members of the same family may be eligible for DACA. You can’t file for them, but you can help.

More About DACA

DACA is a U.S. Immigration policy that began with an executive memorandum by then-President Obama on June 15, 2012. It allows some undocumented immigrants brought to the United States as children to live, work, and attend school here without fear of deportation.

DACA protections only defer legal action for a period of two years — they do not grant you legal resident status or a direct path to citizenship. After your protection period ends, you will again be at risk of deportation unless you have:

  • Been approved for a DACA renewal.
  • Acquired permanent lawful status with a Green Card.
  • Obtained a temporary student or worker visa.

Are My Family Members Eligible?

Multiple members of your family are likely to be considered qualified individuals for deferred action under current government standards. Your siblings, parents, or children can file DACA applications if they satisfy the following criteria:

  • They arrived in the U.S. before turning 16.
  • They’ve been here continuously since at least June 15, 2007.
  • On June 15, 2012, they:
    • Were under 31 years old.
    • Were physically present in the United States.
    • Did not have legal status here. 
  • They currently live in the United States and either:
    • Attend school.
    • Have obtained a high school diploma, certificate of completion, or a GED certificate.
    • Were honorably discharged from a branch of the U.S. Armed Forces.
  • They clear a background check to prove they don’t have a criminal history, including convictions for:
    • A felony offense.
    • A serious misdemeanor offense.
    • Three or more minor misdemeanors.
  • They don’t pose a threat to U.S. national security or the public’s safety at large.

How Can I Help My Parents and Siblings Apply for DACA?

Although eligible DACA candidates must file their requests, you can support and assist family members with their applications by:

  • Translating information on the form into the applicant’s preferred language.
  • Inputting individual data as directed by your parent or sibling.
  • Ensuring that your family member fully understands the petition.
  • Showing your parents or siblings where to sign their USCIS Form I-821D.
  • Mailing the application once it is complete.
  • Assisting your loved one with appointment scheduling and transportation to and from the interview and biometrics evaluation. 

Each of your family members must make themselves available to attend the interviews or biometric exams scheduled for them. These appointments are required to prove the identity of DACA candidates and back up statements made on the application.

Requesting Deferred Action with FileRight

FileRight makes it easy for you or your immigrant family member to apply for DACA protections. We use automated software that guides your parents and siblings through the process step-by-step.

Our Immigration Error Report technology securely double-checks their data to ensure documents are filled out completely and accurately, avoiding:

  • Key information omissions.
  • Typographical errors that could delay petition processing.
  • Name and location spelling inconsistencies.
  • Incorrect, inconsistent, or conflicting dates.
  • Illogical entries.
  • Entries that conflict with one another.

Our DACA preparation package includes access to our bilingual customer service agents. Our expert team is ready to answer questions and provide personalized guidance. Plus, a qualified immigration attorney thoroughly reviews each application to guarantee compliance before it’s sent to the USCIS.

Help Your Family Get Started with FileRight Today!

If your application is denied, USCIS won’t return your money. However, when you file for DACA through FileRight, we guarantee your success. If your parent or sibling’s petition is turned down for any reason, they’ll receive a full refund, including filing fees and government costs!

There is no reason to wait. Take the first step toward helping your loved one confirm DACA eligibility by having them take FileRight’s Deferred Action qualification quiz

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